It’s hard to try to do all the things and help the planet. Often we feel alone in our eco-journey. We want to connect with you and hear what you’re doing well and what you’re struggling with. Wellness blogs are so aspirational. Let’s share the ups and downs together. Let’s gather when we can and collaborate for a fuller life that’s reducing our impact on the planet. Here are the things we’ll be digging into and we want your input. Let us know where to dig. Do you have contacts that can help us? Please share! Are you an expert on these things? Please reach out and let’s figure out how to megaphone your knowledge.
Things We’re Really, Really Into
Health & Wellness, especially Clean Eating – A person with their health has 1,000 dreams, a person without theirs has only one. We can’t protect the planet without first attending to ourselves. And health is about 80% diet. Every year a new study comes out debunking a prior study about what’s good for you and what’s not. We’ll try to make sense of the data & weigh the benefits against the costs of the latest news. Mason also kinda wants to live forever, or at least try. We’ve learned a lot about how the body works and ages, we’ve got a lot more to learn.
Home Sustainability – There are almost 8 billion people on the planet & over 1 billion homes. The choices we make in our homes have a profound affect on the the environment around us from how we handle the air we breathe to the water we drink, household waste, energy…it’s all connected! We’re trying to sort through what matters most and help your house be the belle of the ball (that’s a good thing)!
Conservation – Humans are easily a major geological event, ushering in a new age called the Anthropocene. We’ve moved more earth than some plate tectonic events, we’ve altered the climate more than some solar events, and we’ve kicked off the 6th mass extinction event of the planet. While it often makes is just want to look away, there are lots of small and large things we can do to help the more sensitive organisms out there just survive the human condition (unlike the tardigrade, who needs no help).
If any of these resonate, please reach out! And consider supporting our early efforts as we will likely make zero dollars doing this for quite some time.
Not all dirt is the same: soil impact on natural wine
This post originally appeared on redthumbwine.com and was written by Diego Vasquez. …
Dry Farming Wine … What? Why?
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Recycled Plastic, Aluminum or Glass Bottles?
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